
NEWS / 企業(yè)新聞
HEEE's overseas Turkish project overcomes difficulties and guarantees the construction period
Source:       Release Date:2021-02-19

Overcome difficulties and guarantee the construction period

        2020 is an extraordinary year. Affected by the epidemic, overseas engineering projects of Chinese companies like HEEE have experienced various tests such as "closing the country", "closing the city", and stopping construction of the project. In the face of the severe epidemic situation in the country where the project is located, delays in staff visa processing, and tight logistics and transportation, HEEE's people have demonstrated the spirit of overcoming difficulties and insisted on not stopping work during the Spring Festival, regaining the delayed construction period due to the epidemic, so that the project can Put it into operation as soon as possible.

"Made in China" gets attention     

        In January 2021, HEEE Project Manager led a technical team to Turkey to provide on-site technical services for Turkey's SISMAN layer farm 2MW biogas power generation project.

        The project uses chicken manure as raw material, processes 150 tons of chicken manure per day, and produces 20,000 cubic meters of biogas per day. It is HEEE's first megawatt chicken manure biogas power generation project in Turkey. In response to the problems of high sand content, easy acidification, ammonia suppression, high hydrogen sulfide, etc. encountered in the fermentation process of pure chicken manure, HEEE adopts HEEE’s independent intellectual property rights, internationally advanced level of water to remove sand, high concentration and high concentration in Turkey. Ammonia nitrogen anaerobic fermentation and high-efficiency biological desulfurization technology and complete sets of equipment. The domestic application of this technology has been successfully and stably operated for more than 12 years. The advanced nature and stability of the technology have been fully recognized by Turkish customers.

Start the big Jituo market

        Turkey's SISMAN layer farm 2MW biogas power generation project is the first cooperation between HEEE and the large state-owned holding company Zhejiang International Trade Group Dongfang Electromechanical Engineering Co., Ltd. It is the complementary technology and market advantages of Hangneng Environment and Dongfang Electromechanical under the "Belt and Road" initiative. The result of this has established a sample project and laid a solid foundation for the two parties to jointly develop the Turkish biogas market.

        In the current pandemic, despite the difficulties and resistances of this kind, the 2MW biogas power generation project of Turkey's SISMAN layer farm is still under construction on schedule, demonstrating HEEE's responsibility and responsibility for overseas projects.
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